


Bring Your Own Device

How BYOD works

At Kyabram P-12 College, we believe that students benefit from having their own mobile device (tablet, netbook or laptop) with them in the school environment. A mobile device allows the student to research, note take, complete work and go some way to be responsible for their learning.

Parents have indicated to us in the past that they would like to own and bring their own mobile devices for students to utilise at school. Therefore, we have a BYOD program in place. Mobile phones are not considered suitable devices for this program.

If you choose not to be part of this program, we are not able to guarantee that your child will have consistent 1 to 1 access to computers whilst at our College. Students will be required to bring their device to school each day in good working order and fully charged.

All families will be responsible for the purchase, care, and maintenance of their child’s device.

Upon signed acknowledgement of the User Agreement, your child will be given access to the College’s network and Cloud Services.

All students have access to the Microsoft Office suite from the Dept. that can be loaded onto their devices and signed in using their Dept. provided email accounts.

Getting Ready

Step 1

Bring your own existing device

  • Must support a charge time long enough to be used all day without charging.
  • Should have a protective case.
  • Tablets / iPads should have a wireless keyboard option

We cannot guarantee that all devices will be suitable for access to our network.  This cannot be determined until the unit is examined by the IT department, if in doubt please contact the College.


You could also purchase your own new device through our preferred suppliers – Learning with Technologies & JB HiFi. Links shown below.

You are also able to purchase through other retailers. If you are unsure of suitability, please contact the College, IT department.

Learning with Technologies via their online portal http://kyabram.orderportal.com.au

JB HiFi via their online Portal www.jbeducation.com.au/byod 

Please use the school code KPC24

Step 2

Complete the College User Agreement and return to the College, along with the device.

Our IT department will offer you the most appropriate option to connect to the network based on your device, the following options include:

Kyabram P-12 App (PC Only)

  • App is installed onto the device.
  • Allows access to printing, network and internet. (whilst at school – will not work at home)
  • Limited software installed


Internet only. (Apple Macbooks & iPads)
Ipad apps will need to be purchased by the family, as needed.

Step 3

The configured device is returned to the student, ready to use.
Please refer to the Digital Learning Policy located Below