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All available Articles available below

Our latest insights is available

How do you show up for your kids?
It’s so easy to let the events of the day affect our time with our family, but they don’t have to.
Parenting Ideas Information
Helping Parents
In this section you will find our articles and videos that can be used in a number of ways:
- The most recent articles are featured on the ‘Helping Parents’ webpage; PDF format and Word documents, plus images you can attach with the article.
- Online Education Centre includes previously published articles. Simply type a key word into the search bar to see all relevant articles.
- Cannot find an article on your topic of choice? Simply email or phone us and we will endeavour to research and write an article if we don’t already have one available.
- Fortnightly email updates will alert you to the latest topics and resources available to you.
Helping Teachers
In this section you will find our professional development resources, which are designed specifically to enable you to build strong parent relationships.
These resources are arranged under four important areas:
Client care | Managing parents |
Supporting parents | Engaging parents |
Each area has a range of topics with a video, a professional development article, and a workshop for you to conduct at a staff meeting or other forum.
Fortnightly updates will alert you to the latest topics, two new topic areas will be added each term, and all previously published topics can easily be found under each area heading.
There are also individual programs designed for graduate teachers,classroom teachers and school leaders to complete online. Each program takes a maximum of three hours.
Here are some suggestions for using these resources:
- Principal, Deputy Principal or Professional Development Coordinator can print off articles as handouts for all staff.
- A staff member can run a workshop for a year level, subject group or whole school group.
- Use the video as the discussion point, and simply follow the facilitator’s notes.
- Hold a professional development day and incorporate some of these key topics.
- Encourage staff to undertake individually on an as-needs basis.
Recent Insight Articles

Four criticial tools for kid’s anxiety management
Parents are well positioned to provide kids with the tools and skills to regulate their anxiousness. Here are four critical skills to teach kids to help them self-manage these feelings.

Overcoming the curse of perfectionism
Perfectionism is a modern curse in families and schools. Fear of making mistakes holds children back and is a great impediment to children reaching their full potential.